Seduction (Curse of the Gods, #3) by Jaymin Eve Book Review!! And some spoilers!

December 03, 2017

Kindle Edition
Published November 30th 2017

Willa Knight: Dweller? Sol? Accidental evolutionary hiccup?

Willa has never been a particularly useful dweller: she isn’t very good at chores, she isn’t very good at worshipping, she isn’t very good at not having opinions, and she isn’t very good with rules—but none of that matters anymore.

The rules are changing.

The dwellers are trying to make their own way in the world, and Willa can’t seem to help getting tangled up in their plans.

Luckily, she has the Abcurse brothers to help her out—until she doesn’t, and suddenly she’s alone again in a world on the brink of chaos. With the Abcurses gone, she’ll have to rely on her wits, and her sister Emmy, to stay under the radar and survive.

Because someone wants her dead.

But, really, what else is new?


Guuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyys isn’t this cover beautiful??? Yes is the only answer BTW!! When I got the book, I was honestly contemplating the Pros and Cons of reading it so soon. Cons: I won’t have any Abcurses or Willa for another year at least… Pros: I can get my Abcurse and Willa Fix ASAP…. It was a tough choice that took me a while, but I made the mistake of reading the first chapter and then it was like: I AIN’T STOPING ANYMORE! So, I stayed until 4 a.m. and read this sucker. And now I want more and there isn’t anything…. SO SAAAAAAAAAAAD.

Five sets of eyes were locked on the framed stone, and each of their expressions were so different from the other. But each reflected a single quality. Need. In different ways, the six of us needed each other, and being apart like this had taken a toll. 
Resultado de imagem para what do i do now? gifs

I am so excited to have Seduction as the main theme for this. He is one of my favorite Abcurses brothers. And so is Rome, and Siret, and Yael, and ma boy Coen (Mr.Grey). All of them are my favorite I must admit so I was super excited to have them back. And OH BOY DID THEY COME BACK. They totally did and Jaymin and Jane gave us the most sexy and steamy scenes they could have ever written! YES PEEPS! I’m talking about sex. With Willa. And two of the guys… Go GURRRRRRRLLLLL!!! The only thing I’m against? That specific scene and all of the romantic and cheesy scenes that we love were so short. Every single one of them lasted for a couple of pages…. And then nothing. I need the Romance and the sexiness to have sooooo much more space in the book otherwise I can’t be satisfied… It was still sooooo Hot though.

“Do we have anything happy to discuss?” I asked with a sigh, leaning forward and resting my chin on my arms.
The Abcurses somehow exchanged a single glance between the five of them, and I found myself sitting back up, unease rocketing through me. I didn’t like that look. It wasn’t a happy look. They were totally not bringing me any happy.
“What? “I finally burst out, my eyes running across their faces. “Don’t tell me you’re having another sex talk with me?”

Willa is ma giiiiiiiirllll. She has finally come out with her voice and told the Abcurses that she loved them and that she needs them all… And she put an end to that stupid promise between the brothers about not being able to have Willa. She basically said. I am a grown-up and I will date anyone I want, AND I WANTS YOU ALLL. Asides from all that romance that made me giggle the entire time… She is still the most catastrophic and clumsy girl EVER! She trips all the time and her face is often smashed but she is a character that you just love no matter what! She’s Hilarious in a cliché kind of way… I love her!

He directed that question to me. “We’re not your friends, so you have to pick a different word. Maybe… boyfr –“
“Princesses,” I inserted.
“Not where he was heading with that,” Yael inserted blandly. “But go ahead and explain.”
“If I have to run after you five, rescuing you all the time – that makes you the princesses in the story.”
“When you finally get aroung to rescuing us, we’ll revisit nicknames.” Yael smirked at me. 

The rest of the book is the same ol’ trickery and deceiving that the gods like to send our way. It has a bunch of revelations about who is the BAD GUY and all I can say is DON’T TRUST ANYONE! It’s so entertaining and funny and serious and everything a good book should be! And just warning the end is somewhat GODLY as shit!

That’s it for this review. Now watch as I hibernate until the next one comes out… 

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