Keep Her From Harm (The Denton Family Legacy, #4) by Sam Crescent - Let Down -

December 07, 2017

Kindle Edition, 130 pages
Published June 25th 2017 by Evernight Publishing

Damian Denton lost the mother of his child because he could never love her. That guilt won’t go away, and he can feel it eating away at his soul no matter what he does. His only hope is to find someone deadly enough to kill him. 

Mia Banks doesn’t want to ask Ivan, the father of her child, for help, but she has no choice. If she wants to survive, she will have to beg him. But when a man crashes into Ivan’s office, her life changes forever. 

The moment Damian sees the beautiful Mia, he knows without a doubt that she belongs to him. Taking Mia and her son away, Damian is determined to do everything different. He’s not going to scare Mia with who he is or who his family is. 


Keep her from harm is really lacking interest in plot compared to the other books. I started reading the book about two hours a go and I’ve already finished it, but I found myself really bored at times. I like when a book is precise and has the necessary information without going overboard but this story lacked details. It really needed some more pages or even chapters, so It wouldn’t feel so rushed.

The Denton legacy series have a strong background story that could be elongated and explained much better that it is. It has everything to be a great book but the rushed feeling you get in the end is far from good. And in my case not even the secondary characters could have save it for me. 

Also, the main character was far from interesting. I was looking forward to reading about Damien, but he just got boring really fast and did absolutely nothing related to the mafia, asides from a few fights. And Mia is the stereotype of a woman that has a hurtful past and suddenly has a prince charming that gives her everything… And she still believes he just wants to be friends and accepts it. It’s just too cliché and predicable. Everything about these two was. And that makes me sad because I was really liking Damien.  

No matter what anyone said, he had killed Betty. This curse, being able to know which woman was yours, had killed her because no matter how much he stared at her, his feelings hadn’t changed. The instant he had stared at Mia, he’d known. Everything had faded away, and all that remained was her, with her beautiful blonde hair, which cascaded all around her in ringlets, shocking blue eyes that held an ocean of pain, and also something fierce. She was a fighter.

I would rate this a weak Mafia book. It has almost no action scenes and the Mob business is not explored properly. I liked the previous books and they surely were far better than this one. Let’s hope that the next one can make up for the lost points.

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