Cake by Lauren Dane... Sweet Review

November 17, 2013

You pick up a book named Cake with two people making out in the cover and you know it's going to be good. I just wasn't expecting it to be devilish and amazingly good... Lauren Dane really delivered a story worth reading and enjoying every last piece of it...

I just have one opposition for this book. IT'S TOO DAMN SHORT! I need more, I want more... It was barely a taste of Gregori and Wes and their heated passion. I loved this. It was fast paced and so freaking hot. We got to meet the characters even though it was a small book and love them anyways... Even the best friend and boss who nearly had no part in the book, I liked! The Story is so cute!

Wes is strong and just my type of girl. She's a graphic novel writer (Badass), she loves sweets (Double the Badass) and she isn't afraid to tell you how she's feeling. Her job in here is solemnly to make Gregori open his eyes and admit he likes her as well. I loved her!

Gregori is an artist so he thinks like one (egocentric and kind of a douchebag sometimes). He's a free spirited man who lives for his art and happens to have a crazy ex wife... Isn't that interesting? Hell yeah... But he also is a bit indecisive and afraid of commitment... And he's got red hair!!! Dude, that's cool! Oh, and he's a sucker for sweets... He loves women (Wes) as much as he loves cake and champagne...

Cake may be small but it leaves you breathless with this characters that will fight each other until the very last page. Lauren Dane is kind of awesome!

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