This Much is True by Katherine Owen... With Quotes...

September 10, 2013

This was just depressing. Can I say no? And No, again? Because this is a big, giant mood killer. I am all in favor of  hard relationships and working their problems out, but these two take "problems" and "mistakes" to a whole different level. It's not even interesting after a few chapters and it's revolting that when you go trough all of this reading and then get to the end and feel like you just been Bitch-slapped!

This is going to be a short review because I don't really have nothing special to say. I felt like the descriptions of places, moods and even the characters could all be shortened. There were a lot of repetitions which made the book a bit boring and too long. The story really did had ability to be better, and the storyline could be great but there were too many glitches for it to be completely readable. I had to struggle to finish it and I really did had high hopes for this book, which bummed me out.
“You’ll know when it’s love,” Holly once said. “It’ll mean something. It’ll mean everything.”
The main girl is a girl version of a Manwhore, and that's okay and I love a tough character but she was annoying as hell. Yes, I got that she loved Ballet, I also got that she was a compulsive liar because those were thing that were all over the book non-stop. But I also like that my characters have self-esteem and are brave, and I didn't see any of that in this girl. She was boring and not interesting.
Here’s the truth: I am the female version of a heartbreaker. The one that everyone says is too dedicated to ballet, too self-involved to ever care about anyone else besides herself. I’m the rebel.
Linc was the same blah-blah-blah, look-at-me-I'm-a-baseball-player-with-a-really-cute-smile-and-shit same ol' same ol'. Not cute in any aspect.

These two together were a big No. They fucked up basically everything in their relationship and just for the time they took to get together you would give up on them. 3 Years. 3 effing years that they lasted with an on and off relationship... Boring.
Lies. Untruth. We all buy into it because it’s just easier.
This book could have been so much better, but it wasn't so.... Next!

*Arc copy provided by Netgalley in return of an honest review.*

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