A Little Too Far (A little Too Far, #1) by Lisa Desrochers. !!!!Steamy Review!!!!

September 17, 2013

A little too far has been a book that I've been counting the days to get my hands on, because this story is so intriguing that it just had to be good. And it was everything I hoped and from the beginning to the end it was Breathtaking, Mind blowing, Heart racing, Sinful and Perfect.

Lisa Desrochers delivers yet again a book that is surprising and thrilling. The whole pace of the story is fast and racing just enough to give us the feeling of indecisiveness from Lexi over having to choose between two forbidden sins. The forbidden love for her stepbrother Trent and the love for the passionate and on-the-way-to-become-a-Priest Alessandro, her mentor.

I am completely smitten to the book, from the first page and on I devoured it in one sitting because it's THAT exiting. It's not everyday that we get an original story like this one written with such passion.

I loved Lexi because she was very independent and interesting girl full of dedication for her art . Her love for the arts is so well played during the whole book which was what caused her to go to an internship in Rome, which then caused her to meet Alessandro. Every good character makes you want to scream at her during one point in the story and Lexi was no different (mainly because I don't like who she choose in the end) because she made some messed up choices that made me go mental, but like in a grandmother state of mental...

I am actually studying art as well, so all the "Sightseeing" this book provided of Rome is truly awesome. All the statues and the museums seemed to have gained life beneath Lisa Desrochers words.

Oh my goodness, this book is an assault to your heart because it will make it suffer. It's like a near heart attack every time she has to be with either Alessandro or Trent and being both so delicious, it's like a heart attack with some annoying tummy butterflies...

I really loved that Alessandro was really devoted to his life choice of becoming a priest, but I did not liked that all that man-candy made celibacy a choice for him. He was one of the most frustrating parts of the story because you knew that he was committed to God, but I kept hoping he would jump Lexi's bones and admit he loved her all the time. Guess that makes me a sinner, oh well. All that Italian/French Guy should not have a Don't touch/ Don't look sign on him, it's just mean! He was so amazing during the growth of their friendship and we get to see him a bit retracted and unpleasant at first, but as he gets to know Lexi it all changes and he becomes this dreamy character that it's so off limits. He's great, he's loving, dedicated and downright perfection! I don't usually do teams thingies but: TEAM ALESSANDRO FOREVER <3!
I like this Alessandro—the one without the white collar.
“I thought you were my final temptation, and that, if I was strong enough to resist you, I was worthy of serving the Lord.”

Trent was the deep guy, the one you love because of his beautiful words that he streams on his guitar and the one who had always had Lexis's heart.  You don't really get to know much of him so I didn't really liked him but we could see the intensity of his love for Lexi. He was also written beautifully, with a determinate mind to succeed in music to the point where he challenges everyone's expectations for him to be a fighter, I really loved that he was dedicated but he was also really stupid once or twice (Four times to be exact) and he can't be compared to Alessandro so, for me it's a: I love you and you're really good, but stay the hell away from Alessandro!
It’s always been easy to talk to Trent. Just knowing he loves me unconditionally—that he’ll never judge me, and I don’t have to hide who I am from him—it makes me feel understood.
 All of a sudden, he isn’t my stepbrother. He’s everything I’ve ever needed.

There is a problem of the step brother love going on and their reluctance to tell the world their true feelings because of it, but this "case" was so well described that you could feel their emotions, and despair over having to possibly fight their family on it. Lexi and Trent do make and awesome couple (ALESSANDRO RULES BEST, THOUGH!)

For the guy beneath Lexi's porch: What the Hell dude?

I can't explain exactly how this book is amazing because there are no words that can do justice to it, but let me tell you that if you don't want/ haven't read this book yet, you are making a huge mistake to miss out on this thrilling novel.

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