World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2) by Susan Ee. Out of This world Book Review...
December 23, 2013
Published November 19th 2013 by Skyscape
314 Pages
In this sequel to the bestselling fantasy thriller, Angelfall, the survivors of the angel apocalypse begin to scrape back together what's left of the modern world.
Penryn drives through the streets of San Francisco looking
for Paige. Why are the streets so empty? Where is everybody? Her search leads
her into the heart of the angels' secret plans where she catches a glimpse of
their motivations, and learns the horrifying extent to which the angels are
willing to go.
Raffe hunts for his wings. Without them, he can't rejoin the angels, can't take
his rightful place as one of their leaders. When faced with recapturing his
wings or helping Penryn survive, which will he choose?
Book Review:
I am so in love with this book... World After is ten times better than Angelfall and not to mention this cover with the demon wings, which is a millions times prettier! Susan Ee really did surprised me with this in a really good way, she managed to put more creepiness and gore, action and Angel weirdness to form a really amazing book that really stands out from all those Paranormal/Dystopian books out there...
Anyone else amazed about the progress of this story? It's so much more developed with more details and things to keep you interested until the very end. The fighting's between Angels, Scorpions and Humans are surreal and described perfectly to make you feel like you're inside the book. The moments of despair that Penryn feels about her sister and the doubt and hurt about her mother are all there. And also all the moments between Raffe and Penryn that you can just feel the sexual tension and the need they have for each other to not be alone... Seriously, this book was a MindBlown.
Raffe doesn't show up for the first part of the book which was really annoying me but the author kept us interested anyhow due to his sword, that replayed memories of Raffe's life into Penryn's head. His battles, his fierceness and bravery and as an exception she even showed us how Raffe started to see Penryn as more than a little human and started to look for comfort in her. It was genius strike and made me like Raffe so much more! We all know that he has lost his White Angel wings to Beliel and now carries demon ones that are just as beautiful but in a more hard way. This is really going to put this boy down and make him fight even harder to destroy Beliel and get his wings back... Which means Awesome fights!!!!! Yay!!!! Also one f the things I was dying to see was what Raffe would do when he learned that Penryn was alive, because the last thing he knows was that the scorpions killed her... You can guess that it will be really cute when they finally see each other again and he realizes that he didn't really lost her.
“You’re not Fallen, are you?” The question pops out of my mouth before my head can censor it.
“From everything I’ve heard, that would just make me more sexy to you Daughters of Men.” He finishes taping the last bit of the blanket. “What is it that you all see in bad boys?”
“I’m asking the questions here, Raffe. This is serious.”
Even though it's the end of the world Penryn didn't lost her sense of humor and had me laughing throughout the entire book. She's got Raffe's sword now!! And as we know every sword has to have a name!! You seriously have to read the book to see the hilarious things she will do to the poor sword! This girl is a bad ass and definitely knows how to fight dirty which is awesome because you can really expect for her to have some pretty sweet moves in World After... She's so much more careful about herself, she's more cunning but still the reckless girl we love and she will do anything to help Raffe and save her sister.
“I’m gonna be sick,” I say.
“I’m ordering you not to,” says Obi.
“Ah, don’t say that,” says Dee-Dum. “She’s a born rebel. She’ll puke just to make a point.”
I am so sad to see Paige as she is now. She is braver yes, but she's also a bit broken due to what those suckers and Beliel did to her. But you now what? Nobody can call her a monster because her heart and the lengths she will go to save her family is the most human thing I can thing of. PAIGE RULES!! We finally see that Penryn's mother craziness kind of has a point... KIND OF! Because she's still Awful to Penryn and to everyone else...
In my training, I’ve been hit, punched, kicked, shoved, slammed, and choked by all kinds of opponents. But nothing hurts as much as a slap from your mom.
Beliel is going to get what he deserves don't worry!! This guy is going to party all throughout the book thinking he won the fight with Raffe already, but he's going to be surprised when it isn't Raffe that ends him... I have to admit that there were time when I kind of liked him but then he always managed to ruin that likeness... He's truly and asshole.
The resistance has only two decent people in it... And they are know as Dee and Dum. They have a blast at stealing people, making fun of everything that comes they way and simply taking life as a big fat joke. Loved it. Definitely a breath of fresh hair in the end of the world...
World After is going to make you submit to the world of Angels versus Humans because just when you are about to give up this book manages to always find a way to fight for a bit longer... It's crazy, it's Wild and it's amazing. READ IT!!