Needing Her by Molly McAdams. --- Book Review! ---
December 30, 2013
Published December 23rd 2013 by William Morrow Impulse
336 pages
ISBN: 0062300113
She’s the Girl Next Door
Maci Price isn’t really into relationships. Having four very protective older brothers has always made having a boyfriend very difficult, anyway. But her friend is set on finding her the perfect guy – and thinks the mysterious Connor Green is the perfect pick.
He’s Her Brother’s Best Friend
Connor Green is trying to find himself again. He loved then
lost and it’s time for him to pick up the pieces. His brooding is making his
friends crazy, but, Maci Price, who has grown up into a gorgeous and incredibly
sexy woman, is about to break the spell.They’re Made for Each Other
Book Review:
I didn't know how much I needed this book until I started reading it and realized that it was really amazing! This book is so entertaining with Maci's Older Brothers bringing the trouble to her boyfriends and Maci telling them go to hell, and then Connor starting to get feelings for Maci but keeping his mouth shut until he can't do it no more. Yap, spectacular and full of humor.
This is an easy book with a fast paced story and not full of strong emotions that will leave you overwhelmed. It's plain but in a great way because THAT works with the type of story Molly McAdams is trying to tell us. I loved how everything evolved fast and didn't went awfully slowly with everything happening at it's place. And if at first you may think that you've seen this story before and that it will be boring, think twice because Molly and her crazy ideas changed the whole set and gave it an exciting feel.
I liked Maci so much because this girl is a badass, people! She's got the read hair going on, the piercing and a few tattoos and cusses like a sailor... she's edgy and funny and full of personality. One of the things I also liked about this girl was her ability to sometimes act like a kid but in a good way because it gave us really funny scenes and even cuter moments. She's a girl that's used to people asking her to change how she looks to a more "normal" look and the only person that will accept her how she really is is Connor. I am surprised at how easily she would handle her brothers because if it was me I would have freaked out by now at how overprotective they are! Well, she kind of freaked at them but still remained calm... I wonder how?
I was done pretending that he didn’t matter, and that I didn’t care. And I was ready for anything and everything with him.
Connor could be as much of a kid as Maci and that's why they worked out so well. This guy has a tough story behind him that he wasn't that willing to share until the very ending which bummed me out because that side of him should be more approached. He's Hot! And he pranks Maci all the time which is pretty cool as well... and makes them perfect for each other. I loved him, he's like the male model to all of the main male characters out there because he accepts our girl just the way she is, supports her and annoys the fuck out of her...
I wanted feisty. I wanted obnoxious. I wanted stubborn. I wanted Maci . . . needed her.
The Brothers annoyed the hell out of me but had me laughing non-stop as well... Seriously, why can't Maci have a boyfriend? They're beyond obsessive... I loved them. They were definitely a funny way to bring tension into the book!
“Why are you so interested in knowing my life all of a sudden?”
“Because we all agree you’re being sketchy lately, and I’m about to go pound some dude’s face in for touching my sister! Who is he, Mini?”
Shitfuck. “Who is who?”
“The guy I’m about to kill, who are you fuckin’ around with?”
“You have a boyfriend, Maci?” Dakota asked as he rounded the corner into my office. “Oh, fuck this. Who is he?”
Needing Her is the cutest, more annoying book ever! I loved reading it and laughing my ass of with it. Molly definitely made an awesome job!